The Museum Rablhaus at Weerberg is the only museum in the Alpine region dedicated exclusively to the subject of faith and popular belief. No matter if polecat penis, womb toad, labour pains phial and formulary of prayers to bring about good weather yesterday, or mascot, lucky stone and horoscope today – irrational means of protection and remedy have always been part of human life. Fears and insecurities but also desires and hopes hide behind such objects and practices. Some of the remedies and practices, such as putting animal horns on the door to fend off demons, or swallowing images of saints when suffering from fever seem peculiar and senseless today.

But in our ancestors' system of faith and imagination they made a lot of sense. In a time when demons and witches, saints and angels ruled the the world of thought, they were considered suitable methods for getting protection or help.
The lines between religious and magic doings become blurred in this sphere. In the new permanent exhibition "myth and superstition" in the Museum Rablhaus, we come across magic foodstuffs, spells of love and formularies of prayers to bring about good weather, protective amulets and lucky charms, famous folk healers and the "dirt pharmacy", heralds of death and revenants, building sacrifices and protection against demons.

We learn about the difficulties and desires of the people of centuries past, but also their strategies for coping. These will amaze, appear strange or maybe cause disgust. But they will also reveal many a surprising similarity to current ways of thinking and behaviour.

Go on a journey of discovery through the exciting world of popular belief, which determined life in centuries past from early till late, from birth until death. We wish you a fascinating search for traces in the world of myth and superstition! The museum team expects you every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 14:00 - 17:00. The team will be happy to guide you through the museum and then serve you a nice cup of coffee, cake and Weerberg farming products (also to take back home!).

Montag Ruhetag
Dienstag Ruhetag
Mittwoch Ruhetag
Donnerstag 14 - 17 Uhr
Freitag 14 - 17 Uhr
Samstag 14 - 17 Uhr
Sonntag 14 - 17 Uhr

Von April bis Oktober geöffnet
Führungen nach telefonischer Voranmeldung. Kosten 5,- € p.P.

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