Lake Encounters

The lake and ist waters – experience the majestic tranquillity of the water with its mirror-smooth surface, feel each waterdrop, gaze at newly-awakened nature. In the evenings, you swim towards the rays of setting sun, which make the lake glitter.

Its water careness. Its natural beauty enchants.

The interplay of colours of the crystal clear drinkingwater, the high content of mineral salts, the gentle world of mountains of the Nockberge National Park, the Millstatt Alps with the Tschiernock, Goldeck and Mirnock …

Lake Millstätter See invites visitors to get close to the lake and the mountains.

We offer a completely new experience to whoever would like to dive into the bewitching realm of its waters – It’s called "Seeberührungen®".

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Contacto Millstätter See

Millstätter See - Bad Kleinkirchheim - Nockberge Tourismusmanagement GmbH
Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Str. 49, A-9872 Millstatt am See

+43 4766 3700 0
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Solicitud y Solicitud de folleto Alojamientos

Regiones Millstätter See - Bad Kleinkirchheim - Nockberge
Lagos Millstätter See
Tren de montaña Temporada de verano
  • Bad Kleinkirchheim
    29.05.2024 - 03.11.2024 (3 Remontes mecánicos)
Últimas valores
Produkt-Paket für die ganze Familie
Primavera XXL-Gewinnspiel